On July 26th, 2022 the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) made some changes to the speed zones on MT287. As you come into town from Virginia City on MT287 the 45 MPH zone now starts just after Moore’s Creek, the new 35 MPH Zone now begins at Ennis Street and the new 25 MPH zone now begins at Slade Ave. The speed zones are just the opposite when you leave town towards Virginia City.
Once the chip sealing has been completed (sometime in August) on US287 North you will see significant changes from Ennis all the way through McAllister to the speed zones. The MDT does not make these changes arbitrarily, they are made through speed studies, public input, and crash data.
Please remember the speed limits begin at the speed limit sign not when you can see the sign. Be mindful of the new speed zones or you may find the red and blue lights on behind you.
Drive Safely.