“The city commission shall be the legislative and policy determining body of the city.  All powers of the city shall be vested in the commission, except as otherwise provided by law or this charter, and the commission shall provide for the exercise thereof and for the performance of all duties and obligations imposed on the city by law.”

Section 2.02, Town of Ennis Charter

Town Commission Meetings are scheduled the second Thursday of each month and begin at the time specified on the agenda.

Beginning with the October 13th, 2022 meeting, Commission Agenda’s and Packets can be found here Town Commission Agenda’s and Meeting Packet 

Commission Meetings and events can be viewed on the Commission Calendar.

The meetings can be virtually attended by GoToMeeting by following this link: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/829427381

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (312) 757-3121
Access Code: 829-427-381

Public Comment on the Commission Meeting may be submitted in writing to Ennis Town Hall (please use the drop box in the door) or by e-mail to gingerg@ennismontana.org. All public comment must be received in writing by 1 pm prior to the scheduled start of the meeting.

Beginning with the August 13th, 2020 Commission Meeting all meetings will be audio and video recorded and uploaded to the Town of Ennis YouTube Channel for public viewing. The video’s should be available within 5 business days following the meeting.

Commission Members:

Cory Hardy (2018) – coryh@ennismontana.org

Cory Hardy is an aspiring professional bike tourist as well as a drywall, plaster and stucco installer. After serving in the Navy and attending business school at MSU, he moved back to Madison County. Cory has now lived in Ennis for 14 years and has been in love with the town since his senior year of high school in Sheridan, Montana. Cory whole-heartedly believes that small government is where engagement matters most and he is excited about the future of our awesome little town.

Jim Nihan (2024) – jnihan@ennismontana.org

John Way (2024) – jway@ennismontana.org

Elizabeth (Mitch) Abernethy (2024) – mabernethy@ennismontana.org