Due to the recent hot and dry conditions effective July 15th, 2024 and until further notice the Town of Ennis has implemented Stage III water restrictions. Stage III water restrictions ensure adequate supplies of water are available for essential use and prevent waste of water.
What does Stage III mean:
Stage III:
1. Watering is limited to three (3) days per week in accordance with the following schedule:
a. Properties with even number addresses may water on Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday.
b. Properties with odd-numbered addresses may water on Wednesday-Friday-Sunday.
c. Public Parks may water on Monday-Wednesday-Friday.
2. No bulk water sales.
3. No washing of pavement or other hard surfaces or buildings unless with bucket water for safety or sanitation purposes.
4. Car washing is prohibited except at commercial car wash facilities.
5. Exterior water features must be turned off.
Ennis Town Code Title 10 Chapter 9 defines Water Conservation Restrictions. Failure to abide by the water restrictions may result in a municipal infraction punishable by a civil penalty of not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00) for each violation or if the infraction is a repeat offense, a civil penalty not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each repeat violation.