Commission Meeting, Sept. 10, 2020

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Event Details


SEPTEMBER 10, 2020

7:00 P.M.





AGENDA:      *Open Meeting

*Pledge to the Flag

*Minutes of the August 2020 Commission Meeting

*Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

*Discussion of Fish, Wildlife and Parks possible restriction changes to the    Madison River

*City Attorney Discussion

*Revenue(s) Discussion on possible updates/changes to Dog Licensing, Business Licenses, Zoning related fees, etc.

*Future Projects and Grants

*Department Reports

*Mayor Comments/Report

*Commission Comments




**For the Health and Safety of our Commission Members and public we will only hold this meeting via Go To Meeting.

Ennis Town Commission Meetings

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Public Comment on the Commission Meeting may be submitted in writing to Ennis Town Hall (please use the drop box in the door) or by e-mail to  All public comment must be received in writing by 1 pm prior to the scheduled start of the meeting.


*****Public Comment Statement:

The Town Commission recognizes the value of public comment on Town issues and the importance of involving members of the public in its meetings.


The Town Commission also recognizes the statutory and constitutional rights of the public to participate in governmental operations.  To allow fair and orderly expression of public comments, the Town Commission will permit public participation through oral or written comments during this “public comment” section.


Individuals wishing to be heard by the Town Commission shall first be recognized by the Mayor.  Individuals, after identifying themselves, will proceed to make comments within a reasonable time period.  Citizens may comment on items within the jurisdiction of the Town Commission that do not appear on this meeting’s agenda The Mayor may control the comment period to ensure an orderly progression of the meeting and may redirect or terminate an individual’s statement when appropriate, including when statements are out of order, too lengthy, personally directed, abusive, obscene, or irrelevant.


If a comment has been previously made that you agree with please acknowledge your support and continue with your comment.


If you wish to provide written comment please email the comments to prior to 1200 pm on the day of the scheduled meeting and your comment will be forwarded to all commissioners for review and made part of the official meeting.